Monday, May 3, 2010

Quality of medical care and costs involved

It seems that the costs associated with medical care are going to increase in the future. A new report issued by the Department of Health and Human Services projects the cost of health care will increase by $511 billion over the next 10 years. So, even if Obama administration’s goal of providing coverage for up to 34 million Americans is achieved, the overhaul could fall short of controlling costs.

It order to make sure that health insurance is extended to the uninsured Americans and also the costs are curbed, quality of the medical care needs to be improved. It is important to note here that quality-wise, we stand on the 37th rank. A lot of medical care in unnecessary, which often results in mounting the costs involved in this industry.

Reward for quality should be a clause in the reimbursement. Preventive care should be focussed more in order to lower the need of curative care, which often involves higher costs.

It goes without saying that quality always pays and when it comes to health, there is no substitute to it. What other plans you could think in improving the quality of healthcare in order to reduce costs?

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