Monday, May 24, 2010

Health Cost Hike Post-Reform

Healthcare reform has faced mixed responses from various states, counties, organizations, bodies and lobbies. The recent one is from the market, where health costs are expected to get higher after the reforms are implemented.

Online articles are mentioning that a lot of employers expect to see a slight increase in costs as they work to implement U.S. healthcare reforms for 2011. However, there are many employers who are still figuring out how the reforms will be implemented—clearly, they are not clear how it will impact their businesses.

Extending the health insurance to part-time workers is another area where employers are bit concerned. It is clear that there is lot of pressure on companies to implement the reforms outlined in the bill, and many of them are still struggling to measure the changes.

It is clear that as the passing of bill has undergone a lot of mixed response replete with confusion, the implementation part will also have its share where people will fall non-compliant just because they do not understand what to do and how to implement.

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